A couple of words about myself

  • ENTREPRENEUR  Have my own business since 1998 (TOP-10 cut flowers exporters from Holland to Russia)
  • COACH and MENTOR (since 5 years ago)

INTERESTING: Came to The Netherlands at the age of 24, started the first business at the age of 25, one of the first women – buyers on the Dutch Flower Auction Flora Holland, two university diplomas and MBA, speak three languages, married, have a son. Like skiing, sport cars and dogs. Know everything about starting a new life from scratch,  intergation in the society, pain and gain of being an entrepreneur. 


I know how important it is to be supported by someone experienced who was there where you are now, who has walked the path ypu are on now and who knows what you are going through.  I am the person who can support you on your way and help you to see solutions even if it seems to be impossible

I observe, investigate, clarify, inspire and support

For your Business:  I invite entrepreneurs to talk about their business, personal mastermind to determine and clarify its shortcomings if they are or to extend horizons and brainstorm about opportunities and ambitions. I can help to think out of the box and share my experience.

For your personal life: I work with identity crises, relation problems and spiritual growth

I provide tranings, master classes and personal coaching in English, Dutch and Russian

I do believe that “there are no dead-end roads, there are tunnels which are not build yet” – is one of the most important premisses for success in personal life, carrier and business. My own life is the best prove of it